Browsing articles in “Marketing
Apr 1, 2022
Cece Salomon-Lee

PRMM Interview #18: Heidi Cohen of Actionable Marketing

Heidi CohenHeidi Cohen, president of Riverside Marketing Strategies, has 20+ years experience in direct and digital marketing across diverse product categories encompassing soft goods (such as clothes and uniforms), highly regulated financials services, entertainment-related products, and craft-oriented offerings. Her blog provides marketing related insights grounded in digital and direct marketing. In this installment, Heidi answered some questions via email. You can follow Heidi on Twitter @HeidiCohen. Continue reading »

Mar 30, 2022
Cece Salomon-Lee

Build Your Business with an “Army of Entrepreneurs™”

Jennifer ProsekI’m a strong believer that a great company is one that empowers its employees. I’m happy to present a byline by Jennifer Prosek , CEO of CJP Communications and the author of Army of Entrepreneurs™: Create an Engaged and Empowered Workforce for Exceptional Business Growth. In this post, Jennifer highlights her three-step process for getting your army ready. You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook. Continue reading »

Mar 28, 2022
Cece Salomon-Lee

Tips and Strategies for Marketing Your Virtual Event Roundtable

On Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 1 pm PT, I am moderating a Focus roundtable discussion on how marketers can develop and implement marketing campaigns that can drive awareness for their virtual events and attract audiences. Michelle Bruno, Bruno Group Signature Events, and Shannon Ryan, Adviser, Virtual Events, Focus, will also participate on this roundtable.

We’ll address topics such as:

1) When, why and how to leverage social media for your virtual event
2) Strategies to convert registrants into audience members on the day of the virtual event
3) Collaborate with partners, customers and employees to spread the word of mouth

Here are ways you can join the conversation before or during the roundtable:

Toll-free Dial-In Number: (866) 951-1151
International Dial-In Number: (201) 590-2255
Conference # : 4999006

Mar 24, 2022
Cece Salomon-Lee

5 Ways to Storify Your PR and Marketing Efforts

Though I just received my invite to Storify, I am very impressed with the power that this content curation tool can provide for marketing and public relations. It’s simple and easy to use, a must for today’s busy professional. And a single story can have multiple contributors.

Still in beta with invites given out occasionally, Storify has great potential for marketing and public relations. Here are five ways Storify can help your efforts:

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Mar 18, 2022
Cece Salomon-Lee

Five Tips for Making Your Events More Mobile

by csaila via flickr

In lieu of a PRMM Interview this week, I’m sharing these top five ways to make your events more mobile.

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Mar 4, 2022
Cece Salomon-Lee

PRMM Interview Episode #17: Donna Sanford and Content Marketing

In this episode of PRMM Interview (, Donna Sanford, president of Sanford Project Partners, discusses how marketers can leverage content more strategically. Topics we discussed include: content for marketing, tips for marketers, rising above the marketing noise and content curation.

Mar 2, 2022
Cece Salomon-Lee

Rise of the Infographic

The old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words”underscores how a single image can communicate complex ideas. In my RSS feed, I’ve noticed an increase in infographics used for a variety of topics from mobile usage to social media stats. And in the work I’ve been doing for Virtual Edge Institute, we’ve created a couple of infographics as well.

While I envision more and more PR/marketing practitioners to use infographics, I would recommend limiting their use to summarizing key figures or information of interest to your audience. Here are a few of my favorite infographics:

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Cece Salomon-LeeCece Salomon-Lee is director of product marketing for Lanyon Solutions, Inc. and author of PR Meets Marketing, which explores the intersection of public relations, marketing, and social media.

This blog contains Cece's personal opinions and are not representative of her company's.

Learn more about Cece.

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