May 8, 2022

I am Joseph Jaffe

In early April, my husband and I attended the Blogger Social in New York. This was a great event, meeting all these great bloggers.

What was extra special is the support that this community provides to one another. As part of the last night dinner, a donation was given to the Frozen Pea Fund, a non-profit organization to fight cancer.

This organization was inspired by Susan Reynold’s fight against cancer. I briefly met Susan at the Blogger Social but didn’t fully realize that this was the same person behind the Boobs On Ice blog, which chronicles her experiences and recovery.

So why am I wearing a “I am Joseph Jaffe” name tag? It’s because I’m really Joseph Jaffe in drag – you decide! But seriously, this all started when Joseph Jaffe didn’t attend the dinner (rumor is he was sick?). So a couple of folks decided to “auction” off the name tag for the charity. And in ever more marketing brilliance (I was at the table with Cam Beck and Geoff Livingston when this idea was hatched), the name tag has been making appearances all over.

The catch? Anyone photographed with the name tag would then donate $25 to the Frozen Pea Fund. Now this has inspired a flickr group and a rumored site… Cam, where is it?

What does this demonstrate? The true power of community. Technology is giving us the ability to meet new people and forge new friendships. In person events like the Blogger Social provide an opportunity for these bonds to become stronger in person. Yet, the true power doesn’t lie in the applications we use – blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. (granted they help us expand our communities) – rather it’s in the people we meet and get to know.


  • CeCe – Not too busy to help the Frozen Pea Fund. I just don’t have the necessary skills to build out a complete website on my own. I’ll gladly donate my time.

  • Jaffe never looked so good! :-)

    Thanks for being Joseph Jaffe for a day and helping the Frozen Pea Fund. Great meeting you in New York, CeCe.

  • @Geoff – I know. But I think you would look better with a wig on with the badge

    @Steve – hmmm, a Jaffette maybe?

    @Cam – LOL are you saying you’re too busy?

  • Hi Joseph –

    I am accepting volunteers to build out the recently purchased domain, for the benefit of the Frozen Pea Fund, where we can centrally house this story and instructions on how to participate and donate.

    In the meantime, download your own Joseph Jaffe nametag here:

    Follow the instructions, post it on your blog, and hopefully we can continue to raise some dough to fight cancer.

    BTW – Greg Verdino appears to be going to town on the Flickr group! :)

  • Does this make each name tag wearer a Jaffatar??

  • Isn’t it kind of cool? I love the fact that we can all work together to make a charity more beneficial. And help spread the Jaffe love.

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Cece Salomon-LeeCece Salomon-Lee is director of product marketing for Lanyon Solutions, Inc. and author of PR Meets Marketing, which explores the intersection of public relations, marketing, and social media.

This blog contains Cece's personal opinions and are not representative of her company's.

Learn more about Cece.

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