Aug 10, 2022

PR and Blogging Outreach – Macro Issues

WebMarketCentral BlogMy guest post on “PR and Blogging Outreach – Macro Issues” has just appeared on Tom Pick’s WebMarketCentral Blog. In a two part series, I look at how blogging is impacting the PR industry and how PR professionals pitch bloggers.Issues that I address in this first posting are 1) multigenerational workforce, 2) focus on results, not quality, and 3) how agency structures promotes billing, not client service.

Look forward to hearing what you think.


  • Your blog strories are great. As a professional blogger, you are helping us all out a lot with your advice. I have subscribed to your blog. I also hope you post more frequently. That would be great. Thankyou mate.

  • WebMarketCentral Article

  • […] talking to bloggers Looking forward to reading the second post from PR meets Marketing, guest-written for Tom Pick on how PR practitioners can embrace social […]

  • Hi,
    look forward to reading your tips for interacting with bloggers!
    I’m currently doing a public relations diploma, and wondered if you’d be willing to take part in a short interview on this very topic – I’m looking at the role of word of mouth in social media, and how PR can leverage social media for relationship management.
    There is further information on my blog ( please do get in touch if you’d be willing to take part!

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Cece Salomon-LeeCece Salomon-Lee is director of product marketing for Lanyon Solutions, Inc. and author of PR Meets Marketing, which explores the intersection of public relations, marketing, and social media.

This blog contains Cece's personal opinions and are not representative of her company's.

Learn more about Cece.

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