Revisiting PR Firms and Social Media
The response to my post on which PR firms hasd a social media presence was, well, more than I expected. My post received 66 comments while Jeremiah Owyang’s post had 47 comments. When reviewing the comments, you could see two audiences emerging:
– those who believe that you have to practice what you preach and
– those who believed that corporate presence wasn’t as important as much as the work that was done for clients and the individual participation within those firms
Regardless of which camp you belong to, the discussion resulted in the creationing of a wiki to allow PR firms to proactively update their profiles. To the A few firms that did proactively update their profilesm thank you. To those who haven’t yet, why not?
Overall, here is the breakdown:
– 109 firms are on the list
– 50 firms have blogs
– While 38 firms have corporate Twitter profiles, 5 firms deferred to individuals versus corporate Twitter. In total, 13 firms had individuals participating on Twitter.
– 47 firms had a Facebook presence, while 38 had LinkedIn
– 16 firms have started using Flickr, YouTube and Second Life
So, who else is missing from the list? Go to to make the udpates.
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