Browsing articles tagged with “ KD Paine
Jan 30, 2023

PR Blogs that I Read

I have several PR blogs that I follow. Some are from PR agencies and others are from PR practitioners. I purposely didn’t include some bloggers who may be more “marketing” related.  In alpha here are the PR blogs that I follow.  

  1.  Chris Brogan – Chris has undertaken a project titled Social Media 100 to write 100 useful blog posts on using social media. 
  2.  Fleet Street PR – Written by Dave Fleet, I find his insights on PR, social media and the industry interesting.  
  3.  inmedia Public Relations –  A public relations firm based our of Toronto, I like their thoughts about PR.  
  4.  KD Paine’s Measurement Blog – KD is the goddess of PR measurement. Need I say more? 
  5.  NakedPR – Jennifer brings a sassy sense of humor to all things PR.  
  6.  Now Is Gone – Goeff Livingston is the most frequent contributor with a couple of authors. Looks at the industry, PR strategy and general thought leadership.
  7.  PR Communications – John Cass provides practical insight on how to implement blogging, PR, marketing, etc. for companies. 
  8.  PR Squared – Todd Defren was probably one of the first PR pros to blog. His blog is influential and provides thought leadership on the topic 
  9.  RaceTalk – RacePoint is a boutique PR agency. Occasionally some good content, sometimes not.  
  10. The Flack – Peter Himler provides commentary on how corporations are or are not doing a good job with PR. 
  11. Update: The Buzz Bin  – I forgot about Goeff Livingston’s other blog related to his Livingston Communications company.
  12. Update: a shel of my former self – Yes, how did I miss this one? I don’t know, I just did. I’ve just added this blog to my reader and look forward to Shel’s insights.

 Surprisingly, I only follow 2-3 PR firms. Why? I find that the blogs are unfocused with a group of people posting day-to-day happenings. I’m looking for relevant, actionable information for my job.  Let me know if there are others I should be following.

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Chris Brogan  Fleet Street PR    KD Paine    Now Is Gone  PR Communications  PR Squared    The Flack  PR Blogs 
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Chris Brogan  Fleet Street PR  immedia  KD Paine  NakedPR  Now Is Gone  PR Communications  PR Squared  RaceTalk  The Flack  PR Blogs  PR

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Dec 15, 2022

PRMeetsMarketing Weekly Articles: December 14, 2022

Better late than never – here is this week’s of interesting articles. You can click on the Weekly Articles tag for previous issues or subscribe to the Weekly Articles Feed:  

 What Consumers Really Use Media – Via KD Paine’s blog, I saw this tidbit about Ketchum’s new survey. The survey highlights where consumers turn to for information and advice. Here’s the gist of the results: “Despite the strong evidence that friends, family and experts play a key role in influencing decisions, only 24 percent of communicators report having a word-of-mouth program in place.” 

 Refresher Course for Blogging – Robin Good posts this primer from Joshua Porter. Joshua provides his nine tips for blogging. As communicators/practitioners/marketers, I think it’s key to understand how bloggers are constantly seeking to improve their blogs. And personally, I liked Joshua’s tips! 

 To Astroturf, Is to Be? – Now is Gone is fast becoming one of my favorite PR related blogs. In this post, Ike highlights that astroturfing is just part of our human DNA. In the great words of the Borg “Resistance is futile” – or is it?  

 Take a Community to Build a Social Network – Toby Bloomberg shares 12 tips for creating a social networking community. Very solid tips for any company wanting to create a community.  

 The Great Twitter Experiment – As many may have heard by now, Jeremiah Owyang started an interesting experiment earlier this week. Jeremiah’s twitter post helped many people find each other, including yours truly. Check out my post about this as well. 

 When Blogging Isn’t for Everyone – This comes courtesy of the Influential Interactive Marketing blog. Seems like Scott Adams of Dilbert fame is realizing that a blog may not be the best outlet for achieving his goals. In this case, Adams had some goals for his blog. As Rohit states: “Free or not free, if your blog ends up having a different voice than what your audience expects, then you may need to come to a similar realization about your blog.”  

 Social Media in China – Da Jia Hao! (Hello Everyone!) – I will always have a soft spot for China and Taiwan. Buzz Bin brings us an interview with Debbie Weil and the growth of social media in China. Don’t underestimate China. Just because the media and information is supervised doesn’t mean it will curtail participation by individuals. People have learned to adapt within the unsaid rules of the culture.  

 An Evolved CMO I found this interesting CMO research from Forrester interesting as it may help to understand what a CMO’s ultimate goal is. And heck, maybe we can help with this as well!  

technorati tags: Astroturfing Blogging Buzz Bin China CMO Consumer Debbie Weil Forrester KD Paine Marketing MasterNewMedia NowIsGone Robin GoodTwitter Social Media Social Network Weekly Articles tags: Buzz Bin Debbie Weil KD Paine Robin GoodTwitter Social Media Social Network Weekly Articles
icerocket tags: Astroturfing Blogging Buzz Bin China CMO Consumer Debbie Weil Forrester KD Paine Marketing MasterNewMedia NowIsGone Robin GoodTwitter Social Media Social Network Weekly Articles 

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Dec 6, 2022

PRMeetsMarketing Weekly Articles: December 6

Here is this week’s of interesting articles. You can click on the Weekly Articles tag for previous issues or subscribe to the Weekly Articles Feed:  

 Online Video Kill the TV Star –Blip.TV interviews Vivian Schiller, general manager of the about the differences between online and TV video. To paraphrase that iconic song, “will online video kill the TV star?” 

 Or Did ROI Kill Marketing? – Paul Dunay of Buzz Marketing for Tech makes a good point about ROI. His point is, if everything is measured against an ROI, then there are probably some campaigns/initiatives that wouldn’t be done because it wasn’t measurable. 

 Does the Long Tail Work for PR? – Now Is Gone does a great job at highlighting the Long Tail for PR.  I’m in the middle of reading the book so this posting will help me to position PR/marketing as I read through the book. Also included as part of my 2008 trends piece 

 WPP Lands a Big WhaleDell selected WPP to create an integrated marketing agency that will serve Dell’s business over the next three years.  It’ll be interesting to see how WPP organizes this new entity before March 2008. Will key individuals throughout the WPP group be hand picked to lead the charge? Will smaller (less profitable?) agencies be merged together to create this new agency with instant staff? Or will WPP create an entirely new entity and poach talent from the competition? Only time will tell. 

 Social Media Reaches Into Your Lives – I’ve started reading the Lonely Marketer, which provides ideas for small business marketers. In this post, he writes about how social media can be used to find target customers, thereby increasing touchpoints for increased engagement/participation.  

 Video’s Political Influence? – Granite Slate posted an article about how KD Paine & Partners is measuring the impact of online videos on a candidate’s influence and surge in the media. This is an interesting concept and would love to see how accurate this is as the caucuses approach. I could envision this having a larger impact on younger people who normally may not go to the polls to take action and participate. And isn’t that what it’s all about in the end?? 

 Bribes Aren’t Conversation StartersMike Volpe of Small Business Hub highlights how Vocus tried to follow up on a “sales lead” from a white paper download. Love the cookie idea, but no connection to the value that Vocus provides to Mike’s company. As Mike pointed out, you need to start a conversation with the person which can be started via phone follow up or email with links to valuable information. Provide value, not tchokes. 

 Note to NYT – Keep up with the times… – Read Kate Swisher’s post on BoomTown about a recent speech by Bill Keller of the New York Times. Keller bashes on bloggers and the quality of reporting. Does this mean I should stop reading the Bits blog? The issue isn’t about quality of reporting but how blogging augments the information flow out there. You can’t tell me that all “traditional” media have excellent standards. Keep up with the times Mr. Keller. 

 technorati tags: bloggers Buzz Marketing for Technology Dell KD Paine Long Tail Lonely Marketer Marketing Measurement Now Is Gone PR Small Business Hub social media video WPP tags: Buzz Marketing for Technology KD Paine Long Tail Lonely Marketer Now Is Gone Small Business Hub social media
icerocket tags: bloggers Buzz Marketing for Technology Dell KD Paine Long Tail Lonely Marketer Marketing Measurement Now Is Gone PR Small Business Hub social media video WPP 

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Cece Salomon-LeeCece Salomon-Lee is director of product marketing for Lanyon Solutions, Inc. and author of PR Meets Marketing, which explores the intersection of public relations, marketing, and social media.

This blog contains Cece's personal opinions and are not representative of her company's.

Learn more about Cece.

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