Apr 18, 2022

The Best Time for a Webinar?

Ken Molay of The Webinar Blog poses an interesting question – are our assumptions about when to schedule a webinar rational?  


Currently, most webinars are scheduled from Tuesday – Thursday to capture the largest number of viewers. But why are Monday and Friday ignored? Ken wants to hold this survey to see what you – people who attend webinars – truly think.


Please take a moment to fill out the survey. Though “unscientific” I think this will provide some interesting perspective about the timing of webinars.


In reviewing the survey, I realize Ken was seeking to get a quick pulse and minimize drop off. I wished Ken had included one question asking about industry or role. This would provide invaluable information to marketers on how to schedule webinars that may target a specific industry or management level.


For example, would financial services people want events earlier in the day or after the markets close? Would senior executives respond differently than marketing managers?


I think this survey is in the right direction. It’ll be interesting to see how this evolves.



Disclosure: My company provides webcasting solutions which can be used for webinars.




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  • @Dave as you mentioned that Fridays tend to be when people travel or for leisure, I believe Mondays is when people are trying to get a start on the week. You’re trying to read all the emails from the weekend and determine what the priorities are. This may explain why webinars are not scheduled on Mondays.

  • As a student in the PR track of Mass Communication at Towson University, I have recently came across the subject of webinars. Webinars can be defined as a type of web conference, usually one-way, from the speaker to the audience with limited audience interaction. As Ken Molay stated above, most webinars are scheduled from Tuesday – Thursday to capture the largest number of viewers, posing the question “Why aren’t webinars schedules on Friday?”. As someone who is not that familiar with webinars, but has a common sense of the subject, I believe that webinars ignore Friday’s because of the fact most people will use Friday as a day to travel, or leisure time, leaving no room for responses. The time slot of Tuesday to Thursday gives the people enough time to participate in a webinar, without the worry of the weekend, which is usually meant for family’s and friend’s. That said, I would like to pose to question, Why is Monday ignored when focusing on a webinar?

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Cece Salomon-LeeCece Salomon-Lee is director of product marketing for Lanyon Solutions, Inc. and author of PR Meets Marketing, which explores the intersection of public relations, marketing, and social media.

This blog contains Cece's personal opinions and are not representative of her company's.

Learn more about Cece.

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